The Pines Dine, 5040 SE Hwy 101, Lincoln City

Hey Coastal Oregon, join us at 5pm on Saturday, March 23rd, for FREE live music for all ages to celebrate our beautiful planet at the Pines Dine in Lincoln city. With presentations, information, and activities from Friends of Otter Rock Marine Reserve and Midcoast Watersheds Council, come learn about the wonderful projects and programming they are offering all over Oregon and here at the coast. Then a fun and interactive live music concert for all ages: Water The Musical - you the audience use 200 handmade space and sea puppets to weave stories of ecology and generate excitement, love and stewardship for the wildlife and wild places on planet earth. Bring the whole family to dance, play, sing along and move some energy as we go on a musical adventure about our beautiful coastlands and planetary home in space. Special thanks to Space For Art Foundation for supporting Your Song My Song's, Water The Musical.